Letter: Pay attention to all delays

A646 Hebden BridgeA646 Hebden Bridge
A646 Hebden Bridge
Thank you for your reporting on the long-term problems of the A646 in Calderdale.

At least Calderdale Council has paid some attention to these delays.

By contrast, the severe problems of the A6033 Keighley Road into Hebden Bridge have long been ignored by local councillors and Calderdale Council.

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Long traffic jams when two large vehicles try to pass on the one-and-a-half lane road are frequent.

Tailbacks from the sheer weight of traffic on weekends are predictable and preventable.

Some actions - cones, temporary lights, parking alterations, cleared passing places - would not require a rocket scientist to plan and implement.

As tourist coach season approaches, with even more traffic, non-action and non-planning by Calderdale Council is not acceptable.