WARNING: Met Office weather warning issued for Calderdale

A Met Office weather alert has been issued for Calderdale.A Met Office weather alert has been issued for Calderdale.
A Met Office weather alert has been issued for Calderdale.
The Met Office have issued a yellow weather warning for ice ahead of plummeting temperatures this evening.

The warning is focused between 6pm tonight (Wednesday) and 10am Thursday morning.

A Met Office statement said: "Following a spell of rain, sleet and snow, temperatures will fall quickly allowing ice to form on untreated surfaces.

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"Further showers of rain, sleet and snow will follow in the west on Thursday morning, potentially diluting overnight treatments.

"Some roads and railways are likely to be affected with longer journey times by road, bus and train services.

"Some injuries from slips and falls on icy surfaces are possible."

Calderdale Council have said that they will be monitoring the roadways this afternoon.

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Temperatures should plateau at around 2° mark throughout the evening, with sunshine forecast into tomorrow afternoon.

Heading into the weekend, Friday will be cold but sunny with similar temperatures forecast throughout the week. Rain is forecast for Saturday afternoon into a much clearer Sunday.